The Lusaka Integrated Solid Waste Management Company (LISWMC) was established following the enactment of the Solid Waste Regulation and Management Act No. 20 of 2018 as an autonomous Solid Waste Management Utility in order to provide effective solid waste management services in the City of Lusaka and has taken over solid waste management functions from the Lusaka City Council.
The Company is responsible for the following functions:
- Facilitate and provide solid waste services in order to ensure a clean, safe and healthy environment;
- Manage solid waste infrastructure in order to ensure sound treatment and disposal;
- Enforce solid waste standards in order to ensure compliance and enhance provision of quality services;
- Facilitate private sector participation in the development and provision of solid waste management in order to ensure accessible, sufficient and affordable services;
- Manage corporate affairs and consumer services in order to enhance smooth operations of the institution;
- Manage financial and other resources in order to ensure their prudent utilisation and accountability; and
- Manage the provision of independent assurance on the institution’s risk management and governance in order to ensure the effectiveness of internal control systems.
In the quest to improve the solid waste management service provision in the city and provide the above listed services, LISWMC is looking for suitably qualified individuals to join the Company as REVENUE COLLECTORS on SHORT TERM FIXED CONTRACT to be based in Lusaka City.
To undertake the distribution of invoices, collection and receipting of revenue due to the Company in order for the company to finance its operations.
REPORTS TO: Assistant Accountant
Main Duties and Accountabilities (Without Limitation)
- Undertakes timely the distribution of invoices to clients in order for them to make prompt payments.
- Undertakes promptly the collection of revenue and receipting of received monies in order to enhance accountability.
- Ensures that all received funds are prudently banked or handed over within the stipulated time frame.
- Ensures correct and clear details of clients are recorded on all official documents.
- Communicates timely premises where waste collection has not been undertaken by the Company and any other complaint by clients.
- Accounts for all Company properties in possession including accountable documents.
- Educates clients on the payment procedure.
- Full Grade 12 School Certificate or equivalent with at least credits in Mathematics and English.
- A Zambian with a Green National Registration Card
- Aged between 18 to 45 years old.
Other Skills/Attributes:
- Strong mathematical and numerical skills
- Excellent customer service skills
- Ability to handle cash and perform transactions Integrity.
Eligible interested candidates meeting the required qualifications and experience are encouraged to apply by sending an application, current curriculum vitae with three (3) traceable referees and copies of academic certificates to the undersigned on or before 9th September, 2024.
The Interim Chief Executive Officer Lusaka Integrated Solid Waste Management Company Plot No. 2020, Church Road Former Ministry of Local Government Building LUSAKA
LISWMC is an equal opportunity employer. No discrimination based on race, tribe, sex, gender, physical challenges or age is condoned during the recruitment process.
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