Our Works

Workshop (garage) at Chunga Dumping Site was surrounded by waste (before clean-up)

Workshop (garage) at Chunga Dumping Site was cleaned-up and it is ready to be used for repairing, service and storage of machinery equipment

Public Opinion Survey (POS) was conducted in Kanyama, Chawama, Woodlands, Nyumba Yanga and Independence to understand the actual situation and the challenges regarding waste management in Lusaka city.

Public Opinion Survey (POS) was conducted in Kanyama, Chawama, Woodlands, Nyumba Yanga and Independence to understand the actual situation and the challenges regarding waste management in Lusaka city.

CEO of LISWMC, Mr. Imuwana Mwanamwalye at Agricultural and Commercial Show 2023.

Exhibiting at the Agricultural and Commercial Show 2023.

LISWMC encourages separation of waste at source

LISWMC encourages recycling

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Technical assistance “Lusaka City Clean Project” is now implementing to strengthen the capacity of waste management in Lusaka city.

2nd Joint Coordination Meeting (JCC) held on 16th August 2023

Cleaning CBD area with students from Southern End School

Cleaning CBD area with students from Southern End School

Clean-up of solid waste at the junction of Tokyo Way and Railway line in Chawama (Before Cleaning)

Clean-up of solid waste at the junction of Tokyo Way and Railway line in Chawama (After Cleaning)

Lumumba Road clean-up by LISWMC

Lumumba Road clean-up by LISWMC

Educational Tour at Chunga final disposal site by environmental students from Unicorn University

Educational Tour at Chunga final disposal site by environmental students from Unicorn University

Cleaning Muchinga Ward 14 by participating “Keep Zambia Clean Green and Healthy exercise”

Building a good relationship with Ward Development Committee (WDC) in Kanyama

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